About Craig Holt
Craig’s first novel, Hard Dog to Kill, won the Independent Publisher Book Award gold medal in 2018. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Psychopomp Magazine, the Tahoma Literary Review, the Eastern Iowa Review and elsewhere, and his story “Good Bones” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
He is a graduate of the Bennington College Writing Seminars MFA program, and he is represented by Chip MacGregor, at MacGregor and Luedeke Literary.
Real Life
Craig founded and ran a specialty coffee importing business for many years. Prior to that he was an expedition leader for an eco-tourism company. Thanks to those jobs he has been lucky enough to visit more than 70 countries, with stops on every continent.
Because he believes that it’s better to wear out than to rot, he spent much of his life participating in destructive sports, including (but not limited to) football, wrestling, rugby, soccer, and Tae kwon do. He has completed marathons, iron-distance triathlons, and ultra-marathons. He is an avid hiker, skier, and forager.
Craig was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. He lives in Seattle with his incredible wife, in an old house full of books. He doesn’t mind spiders so much, but he’s really skeeved out by the idea of ticks.
- Finalist PNWA Literary Competition, Mainstream Novel
- Finalist Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Thriller
- Most Improved (7-time winner, 1981-1985) Enumclaw High School, Football, Wrestling, Soccer